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Privacy Policy

Cricmasti Privacy Policy

At Cricmasti, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information we receive and collect when you use our web site, as well as some of the steps we take to safeguard information.

Cricmasti, which operates the Internet sites located at, recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of personally identifiable information collected about visitors to our sites. As a general policy, no personally identifiable information, such as your name, address or email address, is automatically collected from visitors to our sites. Personally identifiable information about visitors to our sites is collected only when knowingly and voluntarily submitted. We may collect certain non-personal information to optimize our Web pages for your computer (i.e., the identity of your Internet browser, the type of operating system you use, your IP address and the domain name of your Internet service provider). We may use such non-personal information for internal purposes, including but not limited to improving the content of our sites. In those instances when we do collect personally identifiable information, the following policies apply:

Your Consent
By using our site, you consent to our privacy policy.

Cricmasti will notify you when we are collecting personally identifiable information about you and how we intend to use it. For example, we may need to collect such information to provide you with information you requested, in connection with entry forms, or in connection with community postings such as chat and bulletin boards. Sometimes Cricmasti engages in activities with business partners and sponsors with whom personal information is jointly collected or shared. We will try to make it clear at the time of collection who is asking for and/or sharing your information. In situations where your information will be shared, it is recommended that you also review the privacy policy of our business partner or sponsor.

Use and Security
Personally identifiable information that visitors submit to our sites is used only for the purpose for which it is submitted unless we disclose other uses in this Privacy Policy or at the time of collection. Such other uses may include sending you information or materials we think you will find interesting, or sharing the information with Cricmasti's Media's advertisers and reputable business partners. However, at the time of collection, you will have the option of instructing us not to send you additional information or share your personal information with third parties. Cricmasti is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of our business partners.

Cricmasti may use reputable third parties to manage activities available on our sites including, but not limited to statistical analysis, or chats. These parties may have access to personally identifiable information submitted by visitors who participate in those activities. Similarly, we may contract with third parties to handle the fulfillment of subscriptions or requests for information you submit to our sites, such as sending you a newsletter. In most instances, Cricmasti instructs these third parties to use personally identifiable information only for the specific purpose for which it is collected, and not to sell, market or transfer such information to other entities. If Cricmasti obtains personal information that has been collected from you by a third party, including our business partners, this Privacy Policy nonetheless governs Cricmasti's use of that information.

Please remember that any information posted on bulletin boards and/or communicated in chat areas becomes public information. You should use caution when sharing information as any of it can be collected and used by people you may not know. Users under the age of 18 should be particularly careful not to divulge any personal information. While Cricmasti strives to protect and respect your privacy, we can not guarantee the security of any information you disclose in a chat room or bulletin board and you do so at your own risk.

Cricmasti may use personally identifiable information in aggregate form to make our sites better and more responsive to the needs of our visitors. This statistical compilation and analysis of information may also be used by Cricmasti or provided to others, in aggregate, for marketing, advertising or research purposes.

If at any time after submitting your personal information to our sites you would no longer like to receive information from us, please let us know by using the "Contact Us" link on our main page.

Personal information may be disclosed in special situations where Cricmasti has reason to believe that doing so is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against anyone damaging, injuring, or interfering (intentionally or unintentionally) with Cricmasti's rights, property, users, or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities. Also, Cricmasti may reveal information when we believe in good faith that the law requires it.

Cricmasti maintains appropriate safeguards to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of personally identifiable information submitted to our sites, and periodically reviews and updates its security measures in light of current technologies. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure. Although Cricmasti strives to protect your personal information, we can not ensure or warranty the security of any information you may transmit to us. This is done so at your own risk. Once we do receive your transmission, however, we make our best effort to ensure its security on our systems.

California Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance
Because we value you privacy we have taken the necessary precautions to be in compliance with the California Online Privacy Protection Act. We therefore will not distribute your personal information to outside parties without your consent.

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance
We are in compliance with the requirements of COPRA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act), we do not collect any information from anyone under 13 years of age. Our website, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 13 years old or older.

CAN-SPAM Compliance
This online privacy policy applies only to information collected through our website and not to information collected offline.

Log Files
Like many other Web sites, Cricmasti makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol ( IP ) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user's movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses, and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.

Cookies and Web Beacons
Cricmasti does use cookies to store information about visitors preferences, record user-specific information on which pages the user access or visit, customize Web page content based on visitors browser type or other information that the visitor sends via their browser.

Google and the DoubleClick DART Cookie
- Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on
- Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our users based on their visit to our sites and other sites on the Internet.
- Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the
 Google ad and content network privacy policy. 

Some of our advertising partners may use cookies and web beacons on our site. Our advertising partners may include Google Adsense, Adbrite, .. These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to send, directly to your browser, the advertisements and links that appear on Cricmasti. They automatically receive your IP address when this occurs. Other technologies ( such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons ) may also be used by the third-party ad networks to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and / or to personalize the advertising content that you see.

Cricmasti has no access to or control over these cookies that are used by third-party advertisers.

You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices. Cricmasti's privacy policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or web sites.

If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your individual browser options. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers can be found at the browsers' respective websites.

Links to Third Party and Co-Branded Sites
Cricmasti has established many links directly to sites operated by third parties. These sites are not operated or maintained by Cricmasti. These sites may collect personal information from you. You should check the applicable privacy policy's of the third party site's in case you enter these sites. All links to external sites (not Cricmasti's) are opened in a new window!

Cricmasti chooses its advertisers and business partners carefully. However, Cricmasti is not responsible for the content or practices of Web sites operated by third parties that are linked to our site. These links are meant for the user's convenience only. Links to third party sites do not constitute sponsorship, endorsement or approval by Cricmasti of the content, policies or practices of such third party sites. Once you enter a third party site by such a link, you should check the applicable privacy policy of the third party site.

Terms and Conditions
Please also visit our
 Terms of use section establishing the use, disclaimers, and limitations of liability governing the use of our website. 

Changes to our Privacy Policy
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will update the Privacy Policy modification date below. Policy changes will apply only to information collected after the date of the change.

Still have questions?
If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to Send Us E-mail to
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